Hi I’m Kam. A regular person doing a regular job who was randomly asked one day to write a one woman show and perform it in Belgium. Who knows why but I agreed! I learned so much by creating the piece. Not only the skills needed to write and perform which required I find a voice coach, a storyteller to review my writing and improv classes but resources that I had not considered on first agreeing. Such as hiring rehearsal space, finding a photographer for the brochure, finding a dramaturg to review my piece. I wish I could have gone to one site to find the help that I needed. So I thought that I would create the site myself. It’s called Kampassion. A wordplay on my name and passion for all things creative. I never ever thought that I would one day be the performer rather than the consumer.  Now that I have gained insight into what it takes and how fulfilling it is to perform. I want to help as many people as possible create whatever they love to create with as much ease as possible.  To build the site I need to know who you all are so that I can get on with connecting you with each other and with what you need.  So join Kampassion and help me to help you do what all creatives love to do, create. Let’s do it!  

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